Discipleship is everything that happens to you after you are born-again. It’s exciting to be following Jesus, abiding with Him, and maturing your faith through personal prayer, studying the Word of God, and finding ways to serve the Kingdom. How are you doing following the Lord? It is our hope that you’ll find the resources below helpful as you surrender more of yourself along your own personal path to become more like Jesus.
As THE WAY discovers more resources to help you on your path, we'll be posting them here, so be sure to check back often. For questions on these resources, or how to delve deeper into maturing your faith, please contact Jeff Minor at jeff@ccvero.org.
Prayer. Prayer is a way for us to spend time with God. It is a way to connect with Him and align our hearts with His. When we pray, we invite God into our lives and ask for His guidance. We need prayer in every area of our lives. The ACTS method of Prayer adds structure and focus to our prayer. For tips on praying for specific needs, click here.
Serving Others. Jesus encouraged us to follow His example of serving others. (Matthew 20:28) At Cornerstone, there are so many ministries and service opportunities from which to choose, and we're always finding new Christ-centered ways to serve God’s Kingdom. If you have an idea for an event, activity, or new ministry, contact Jeff Minor.
Everyone has a testimony about how they are doing following Jesus. Do you? We are not perfect but we are being perfected each day. Our discipleship journey is filled with struggle and victories. By sharing your experiences, others may find the help they need to follow Jesus. If you would like to share a testimony of growing up in Jesus, please contact us.
Thinking about starting a Small Group Bible Study?
Leading a Bible Study can be just as rewarding for you as it is for your attendees. Your efforts can help people actually enjoy studying the Bible as you help them to understand scripture and make it relatable to every-day life.
Mark Howell Live - Resources to Help You Build a Thriving Small Group Ministry
Ministry Matters - Helpful tips on leading your own Bible Study group
Inviting neighbors and friends to your Bible Study group
Inviting friends to connect with others by joining your small group study is a great way to build lasting relationships while learn more about God’s Word. However, for some, the Bible can be a touchy subject, as people often share differing perspectives. Try sending a personal invitation. Hand write their name on the invitation, as well as important information such as the day, time, and location of your Bible Study session, and your contact information. And while you can always email an invitation, it’s best to mail the invitation. A mailed invitation gets more attention and increases the likelihood they will attend.
Plan a Bible Study for Young Adults
Bible teaching for teens can be very different than for adults. The approach is a balance of not to bland and not too overwhelming. Teaching that makes connections with what's going on in their own lives can help young people take what they’ve learned into the rest of their week. Click here for the full article.
What Next?
We encourage you to join us on our Journey in Christ! Contact us for more information:
Discipleship and Evangelism: Jeff Minor, jeff@ccvero.org, (772) 528-9955
Next Gen: kent@ccvero.org, (772) 567-0085