As Christians, we are called to be evangelists. THE WAY emphasizes Biblical methods of evangelizing by building relationships and boldly proclaiming the truth. It’s Cornerstone’s hope that the everlasting gift of salvation be spread far beyond our Church walls. We hope you find the resources below helpful.
Cornerstone supports several Missions worldwide, and has many ministries within our Church. Learn how to get involved by contacting Jeff Minor at jeff@ccvero.org.
The following is a list of resources to help better equip you in sharing the Good News. Check back often for updates.
How Do I Lead Someone to Christ?
Podcast credit: Pastor John Piper - Desiring God
A great way to help others is by sharing stories of triumphs and disappointments. Lessons learned from sharing our experiences can be invaluable, as one person's testimony can offer inspiration and support to someone else. Contact us to share your story.
What Next?
Invite someone to church, or ask if they'd like to speak to a pastor or shepherd
Small Group Evangelism Free 12-Week Study Crossing the Barriers from Truth for Life
For questions, reach out to THE WAY (Jeff Minor, Krystal McKenzie)
We encourage you to join us on our Journey in Christ! Contact us for more information:
Discipleship and Evangelism: Jeff Minor, jeff@ccvero.org, (772) 528-9955
Next Gen: kent@ccvero.org, (772) 567-0085