Happily Generous
Mike Kocolowski, Jeff Minor, Kent Hawkins
Feb 09 2025 - Mar 02 2025
Everyone wants to be happy. Most people want to be generous. But how many of us understand the powerful connection between the two pursuits? Jesus himself said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Might the road to happiness be paved with generosity? Although our benevolent God embedded in our genes the desire to give, sometimes worldly pursuits, cultural pressures, possession obsession, and a scarcity mentality divert us from the very things that can lead us to a better life. But there is hope for change and a path forward. In our Happily Generous series, you’ll discover the secret to living a priceless life.
Becoming A Partner
Jeff Minor
Feb 02 2025
How does one join a church? Cornerstone puts no further requirements on those who want to connect with us. Immersed believers need only request to join. Partners at Cornerstone benefit from assembling, giving, serving, and pursuing holiness. The church is the only eternal institution on earth. Jesus is coming for His Church.
The Plan
Kent Hawkins
Jan 26 2025
Building contractors use blueprints, website designers use code, and football coaches lay out a strategy for winning the big game. In the same way, God has laid out a clear, easy-to-understand ‘PLAN’ on ‘How to Be Saved.’ We read about the ‘Plan’, over and over in the book of Acts. This message studies four of those passages.
Sanctity of Life
Jeff Minor
Jan 19 2025
There are some simple words to remember when discussing this issue with our world. Denial has led to a place where they can’t even recognize what a human is. Truth of the Gospel must make way for our deconstructed language to be proven false. If a woman is not pregnant with a baby, then what pray tell is growing inside her? Shame sets in when one realizes we have misstated the truth so tragically. Psychologists call this cognitive dissonance and it is a big mental stress. How can we cope? Grace comes to the penitent by the blood of Jesus at the cross. Where Christ has forgiven sin the church has no jurisdiction to punish. We have all been saved from something. Preach truth on this issue in a loving way.
Vision Statement
Kent Hawkins
Jan 05 2025 - Jan 12 2025
Cornerstone’s Vision Statement is "Brining Glory to God and People to Jesus." This two-week message series will look at each of the two components of who we are as a congregation and why we exist.